
10 simple ways to be a more organised mum

Last Updated on April 25, 2024

10 simple ways to be a more organised mum

We all have days where at the end of the day we feel like we’ve accomplished very little, making us feel irritated and annoyed that we didn’t spend our time wisely.

I’ve felt like this on many occasions, but the good news is that there are some simple ways to be a more organised mum, which when done make you feel more productive at the end of the day, and ready to tackle what the next day throws at you.

Here are 10 ways to be a more organised mum.

Plan your day

Planning your day is the number one way that makes me a more organised mum, because having a plan of what I want to get done in a day allows me to make decisions on how I spend my time, and what’s a priority.

Planning your day can be as simple as making a daily to do list, ensuring that you prioritise 2-3 things that you absolutely want to get done, and doing those things first.

Planning your day helps you to be a more organised mum, because it focuses your time on what needs doing, instead of spending time on things that aren’t important.

Wake up before your kids

Waking up before your kids is not only a great way to get some quiet time, but it also allows you to start your day more organised.

For example, during this time you could write your daily to do list, do something that doesn’t take a lot of time, or like me, use this time to have a shower, get ready, and finish making school lunches.

Have dedicated chore days

Having dedicated chore days means you’re able to spread your chores out over the week, giving you more time during the week to work on other things.

For example, I do laundry on Tuesdays and Fridays, clean the bathrooms on Wednesday, and mop and vacuum the floors on Thursdays.

10 simple ways to be a more organised mum do chores on dedicated days

Create daily habits

One thing that can help you become more organised at home is to create daily habits, that will not only help you to keep a house tidy with kids, but also make you a more organised mum because you’re not doing the same things over and over each day.

For example, putting grocery shopping away as soon as you bring it home, or tidying toys up at the end of the night, means you’re not spending lots of smaller pockets of time throughout the day doing these things.

Write a weekly meal plan

Meal planning is a great organisation tip for mums, and creating a weekly meal plan is one of the things I do to organise my time as a mum.

There are many benefits of meal planning, some of them include:

  • It saves time by not thinking about what to cook each day
  • It saves money as you buy exactly what you need
  • You waste less food because you’re using what you have

If you’d like some help with meal planning, here is a great guide to meal planning that will help you get started.

Write everything down

Writing everything down is another of the ways I stay organised as a mum, because if I don’t write something down in my phone or my planner when I remember it, or when I’m told about it, it won’t happen.

This includes writing down, or setting a calendar reminder to text a friend, schedule a school event, or what uniform my son needs to wear on a certain day.

10 simple ways to be a more organised mum write everything down

Pack lunch boxes at night

Packing lunch boxes the night before they’re needed saves a lot of time in the morning, and is a great way to prepare for the school day.

I do this by putting my son’s lunch box snacks in his lunchbox at night, and keeping the lunch box on the kitchen counter.

Then in the morning I add his sandwich and anything else that needed to stay in the fridge overnight, then put the lunch box into his bag.

Tidy up before bed

Having a tidy house before going to bed means that you don’t start the next day doing things that could have been done the day before, making your to do list longer than it needs to be.

Know your limits

Being a more organised mum is about knowing your limits of what is possible and not possible to get done, and only doing things that you have time for, or that bring you closer to your family’s goals.

For example, I have a limit, or a motherhood related boundary regarding weekend sports, which is that we don’t currently do them, because I know I’ll be the parent that has 100% responsibility for the sport, and right now I don’t have the time, or mental capacity to do it.

Say no

Saying no to things you don’t want to do, or don’t have time to do, gives you time to work on the things that make you feel more organised, or that matter to you the most.

I hope you’ve found some ways to be a more organised mum here that you’d like to start.

Do you have any tips on how to be a more organised mum?

10 simple ways to be a more organised mum

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Her Digital Coffee
September 15, 2023 6:34 pm

Wonderful tips, Lisa! Although I’m not a mom myself, I can see how these small steps can make a big impact throughout the day. Daily habits and meal planning is so helpful for staying organized. Thanks for sharing!