
2022 word of the year, and 220 ideas for yours

Last Updated on January 4, 2022

2022 word of the year, and 220 ideas for yours

Choosing a word of the year is something I’ve done for awhile now, to guide my actions over the year, and to help me set goals.

If you’re interested in choosing a word of the year but aren’t entirely sure what a word of the year is, why it’s beneficial, how to choose a word of the year, how to remember it, or are looking for some word of the year ideas, then this post will hopefully provide you with everything you need to get started.

What is a word of the year?

A word of the year is a single word that acts as a theme for your year, or provides you with a focus.

You can also use your word to set goals for different areas of your life.

For example, if your word of the year is productive, a goal with this word as the focus may be to work two hours each day on a side project. Or, if your word is discipline, a goal may be to exercise a certain number of times a week.

Benefits of choosing a word of the year

 Some of the benefits of choosing a word of the year include:

  • It reminds you of the person you want to become.
  • It helps you to stay focused on what’s important.
  • It provides you with a mantra to say during tough times, or when you need clarification on something.
  • It helps you to prioritise what’s important, or what you want to improve in your life.

How to choose a word of the year

There isn’t a right way to choose a word of the year, and sometimes it can be as easy as a word just popping into your head and feeling right, or reading a word somewhere and realising that’s your perfect word.

If either of these two things happen, then that’s fantastic, but if not you may like to try any of these suggestions to help you to clarify your word of the year:

1 Think about the person you’d like to become over the next year, and write down the words that describe that person.

2 You may wish to ask yourself some more questions to help you identify the person you’d like to become, which could be:

    • What’s missing from your life?
    • What areas of your life do you want to focus on over the next year?
    • What goals do you have for your personal and professional life?
    • What do you want more or less of in your life?

3 Write down the definitions for each word you’ve written down, and highlight the words that resonate with you.

4 If you’d still like some more words read your definitions and see if there are any words in them that sound like they could work for you.

5 If you’d still like some more words there could be some in the list at the end of this post.

6 Take some time to think about the words you’ve highlighted and really see which ones resonate with you. If there are a few, think about how well they will guide you to become the person you want to be, or achieve the goals you want to work on.

7 Sleep on it for a few days, and see what word keeps popping into your head.

Ultimately the word you choose should excite you, because it represents the person you want to become, and can help you to do more of the things you want to do in the upcoming year.

Some things to remember are to not feel pressured to come up with a word by a certain time. You don’t have to have your word ready by January 1st if you don’t want to, and once you choose a word, there’s no reason why you can’t change it, if it doesn’t work for you.

Also, you don’t have to choose a word every year, I haven’t.

How to remember your word of the year

Some ways that you can remember your word of the year is to put it in your planner, on a vision board, write it on a post it note and keep it somewhere you look everyday, or make a graphic of it and use it as your screensaver for your phone, computer, or tablet.

My 2022 word of the year

My 2022 word of the year is prioritise, which I intend to use in three areas of my life – this blog, my health, and my family.

I want to make sure that I’m always working on one of these areas as much as I can.

For example, if I find myself mindlessly scrolling online, I’ll ask myself what else can I prioritise at that particular point in any of these three areas, and for this example it could mean scrolling other things that may improve the blog.

Or, if I have a day where nothing’s planned, I’ll make sure to prioritise family and find something that we can all do together.

Some word of the year ideas

 Some words that you may like to consider for your own word of the year are:

  1. Abundance
  2. Accept
  3. Achieve
  4. Action (my 2015 word)
  5. Adapt
  6. Adventure
  7. Affluence
  8. Ambition
  9. Amplify
  10. Aspire
  11. Balance
  12. Believe
  13. Better (my 2018 word)
  14. Big
  15. Bloom
  16. Bold
  17. Boundaries
  18. Brave
  19. Breathe
  20. Build
  21. Calm
  22. Care
  23. Celebrate
  24. Challenge
  25. Change
  26. Clarity
  27. Commit (my 2019 word)
  28. Complete
  29. Confidence
  30. Connect
  31. Consistent
  32. Courage
  33. Create (my 2014 word)
  34. Cultivate
  35. Declutter
  36. Dedicate
  37. Deliberate
  38. Delight
  39. Determined
  40. Diligence
  41. Direction
  42. Discipline
  43. Discover
  44. Dream
  45. Driven
  46. Ease
  47. Elevate
  48. Embrace
  49. Empathy
  50. Energy
  51. Engage
  52. Enhance
  53. Enjoy
  54. Enough
  55. Examine
  56. Excitement
  57. Expand
  58. Experience
  59. Explore
  60. Extraordinary
  61. Family
  62. Fearless
  63. Finish
  64. Fitness
  65. Flourish
  66. Flow
  67. Fly
  68. Focus
  69. Forgive
  70. Forward
  71. Free
  72. Freedom
  73. Friendship
  74. Fun
  75. Future
  76. Gain
  77. Gentle
  78. Give
  79. Glorious
  80. Glow
  81. Go
  82. Goals
  83. Grace
  84. Gratitude
  85. Grow
  86. Habit
  87. Happy
  88. Harmony
  89. Health
  90. Here
  91. Higher
  92. Home
  93. Honesty
  94. Hope
  95. Hustle
  96. Illuminate
  97. Imagination
  98. Imagine
  99. Improve
  100. Indulge
  101. Innovation
  102. Insight
  103. Inspire
  104. Integrity
  105. Intention
  106. Intimacy
  107. Intuition
  108. Invest
  109. Journey
  110. Joy
  111. Kindness
  112. Laugh
  113. Lead
  114. Learn
  115. Less
  116. Liberate
  117. Life
  118. Light
  119. Listen
  120. Love
  121. Magic
  122. Manifest
  123. Maximise
  124. Mindful
  125. Mindset
  126. Minimise
  127. Mission
  128. Moment
  129. Monetise
  130. More
  131. Move
  132. Nature
  133. New
  134. Nourish
  135. Now
  136. Nurture
  137. Open
  138. Optimistic
  139. Organise
  140. Passion
  141. Patience
  142. Peace
  143. Permission
  144. Persevere
  145. Persist
  146. Perspective
  147. Play
  148. Pleasure
  149. Positivity
  150. Possibility
  151. Powerful
  152. Practice
  153. Prioritise
  154. Progress
  155. Prosper
  156. Purpose
  157. Quiet
  158. Reclaim
  159. Reconnect
  160. Reflect
  161. Relationships
  162. Relax
  163. Release
  164. Renewal
  165. Reset
  166. Rest
  167. Retreat
  168. Rich
  169. Satiating
  170. Satisfy
  171. Savour
  172. Seek
  173. Self care
  174. Self worth
  175. Serene
  176. Share
  177. Shift
  178. Shine
  179. Simplify
  180. Slow
  181. Smile
  182. Soar
  183. Space
  184. Spark
  185. Speak
  186. Still
  187. Stretch
  188. Strong
  189. Success
  190. Support
  191. Surrender
  192. Surround
  193. Think
  194. Thrive
  195. Today
  196. Transform
  197. Travel
  198. Trust
  199. Unafraid
  200. Understand
  201. Unlimited
  202. Unstoppable
  203. Value
  204. Vibrant
  205. Vision
  206. Vivacious
  207. Voice
  208. Vulnerable
  209. Wander
  210. Warm
  211. Wellness
  212. Wholehearted
  213. Why
  214. Wild
  215. Wish
  216. Wonder
  217. Work
  218. Worth
  219. Yes
  220. Zest

What’s your 2022 word of the year, and how do you intend to use it?
I’d love to hear about your choice in the comments section below.

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