
10 easy to achieve mum goals

Benefits of journaling for mental health, notebook and coffee notebook on table

Goal setting is something that we think about doing at various times of the year, but as mums, the thought of setting goals can feel like an additional item on our to do list, making us feel as though we don’t have time for goal setting, so we avoid setting them.

However, setting mum goals, or simply listing things we’d like start to make mum life easier is important, and doesn’t have to be a long complicated process.

If you’d like to set easy to achieve mum goals that don’t require lots of details, or regular monitoring, and that can be done in small steps, then here are 10 easy to achieve mum goals that you may like to consider.

This post will also discuss what mum goals are, why setting mum goals is important, and how you can achieve the goals you set.

What are mum goals?

Mum goals can be whatever you want them to be. They can be goals that make mum life easier, or they can be goals that you want to achieve in your life outside of motherhood.

Why set mum goals?

Goal setting gives us a sense of purpose, makes us feel more fulfilled, and can make our mum lives much easier.

Some other reasons why setting mum goals is worthwhile include:

  • They allow you to have a life outside of motherhood
  • They contribute towards a sense of personal fulfilment
  • They increase happiness levels
  • They provide a sense of accomplishment and self identity that can be hard to find when you’re focussed on meeting the needs of others

How to easily achieve your mum goals

We’ve all heard about setting SMART goals, but let’s face it, as mums we don’t have the time or headspace for making the goal setting process long and complicated.

We need to be able to quickly set goals, so the chances they’ll be achieved are increased.

So, to easily achieve any mum goals that you set, you may like to consider the following steps:

  • Think about the areas of your mum life, or your life outside of being a mum, that you’d like to improve, and write them down
  • This list becomes your goals list
  • Prioritise these goals by highlighting the ones you absolutely want to achieve
  • When prioritising them, think about the amount of time you have. For example, if you have little kids you may not have a lot of time, so choose your goals according to the time you have
  • If you have larger goals, break them into smaller goals so they’re manageable
  • Schedule each goal or part of a goal into your calendar, and set reminders of when they need to be done by

Goals don’t have to be large to be meaningful, small, easy to achieve goals will give you the motivation and encouragement you need to tackle any larger and longer term goals you have.

10 easy to achieve mum goals laptop and coffee

Examples of mum goals

Here are 10 easy to achieve mum goals, which are a mixture of goals that improve mum life, and goals that are just for you.

Record family memories

Use some of the photos you take by making photo books of special family occasions, birthdays, or even the first year of each of your kid’s lives.

Start a family calendar

If you’d like to start organising family life a bit better, starting a family calendar is a family goal that will really help.

Starting a family calendar allows you to keep on top of appointments, events, to dos, and anything that individual family members have going on, so you can ensure your family doesn’t overcommit themselves, and you can free up time to meet the other goals you have.

Spend more time outdoors

Spending time outdoors means everyone can get some much needed fresh air, and you can get out of the house on days where you really feel the need to.

There are many outdoor activities that you can do, some of these include:

  • Having a picnic
  • Playing mini golf
  • Flying a kite
  • Going to a farmers market
  • Visiting a new park

10 easy to achieve mum goals boy outside

Schedule regular family time

Spending quality time with your kids, and your family, can be difficult if you don’t schedule it into your month.

Scheduling it, and making a list of the things you can do and choosing something from this list once family time day arrives, makes achieving this mum goal much easier.

Tackle decluttering projects

It’s hard to keep our homes tidy, especially with kids, but decluttering is a great way of lessening the amount of things you have to maintain, giving you more time to do the things you enjoy.

Decluttering your home doesn’t have to be a massive project, it can be decluttering small projects first like decluttering wardrobes, or drawers, and then moving onto larger areas.

Start meal planning

Meal planning can feel like it takes a lot of time, however, the amount of time you spend writing a weekly meal plan is significantly less than the time you’ll spend during the week thinking about what to eat, and shopping for ingredients.

To make this goal easier, you can start by planning just dinners, and then once you’re more confident add other meals, and even snacks.

5 steps to make weekly meal planning easier

Prioritise downtime

A mum goal that you can set that’s just for you is to prioritise downtime, which means making time for yourself each day, (ideally after your kids go to bed so you’re not interrupted), where you can do some self care activities, or anything else that allows you to take a break.

Some things you can do during your downtime are:

  • Yoga
  • Watching your favourite show
  • Having a hot drink
  • Ticking things off your to do list

Get back into reading

Reading is something that allows you to escape into another world, and can even help you to fall asleep after a busy day.

If reading is something you’d like to get back into, here are some tips on how to read more.

Rethink friendships

Making friends as adults, or maintaining the friendships you have takes time, and there are some friendships that are worth the time more than others.

If you have any friendships that make you feel bad, or that don’t align with your needs or values, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate who you spend your time with.

Making sure you surround yourself with friends who care about you, are happy for you when good things happen, or that make you feel good about yourself is a goal that’s worth pursuing.

So perhaps a goal that you may like to achieve this year is looking at your friendships, and making more time for the friends that mean the most to you.

Prioritise yourself

As mums we spend so much time meeting the needs of others, that we don’t prioritise ourselves, and we even feel guilty when we do.

Prioritising yourself by meeting your own needs first, and asking for help from others, isn’t a luxury, it’s something you need to do for yourself, and it will make you a better mum.

I hope you’ve found some mum goals here that you’d like to set, and remember, goals don’t have to be big to be impactful. Small, easy to achieve goals add just as much, if not more value to your life as larger ones.

Do you set mum goals?

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