
How to update your wardrobe

How to update your wardrobe

I’ve been sick of my clothing style for sometime.

I live in dark coloured trousers, striped t-shirts, long cardigans, and baggy jumpers. My style is so predictable that Mel knows exactly what I’m going to buy, before I’ve even bought it.

My wardrobe lacks inspiration, and even a touch of colour. I wear the same style of clothes day in, and day out. I really need to update my wardrobe and update my style. But I want my new style to still be comfortable and not too different from what it currently is.

Here is how I plan to update my wardrobe, and therefore update my style. Hopefully this process will give you some ideas on how to update your wardrobe or update your style, if that’s something you’ve been thinking about doing as well.

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The first thing I’m going to do to update my wardrobe is go through my current clothes, which is the perfect first step for me as I love a good declutter.

Going through my current clothes will give me a clearer picture of what I need to buy to match the style I want to have.

Anything that’s damaged beyond repair will be thrown out. Anything that no longer fits, makes me feel unhappy when worn, or that I no longer like, will be donated.

To do this I’ll take everything out of my cupboard and drawers and put them into piles of similar categories. For example, t-shirts will go in one pile, trousers in another, jumpers in another, etc.


To get a clear idea of what I’d like my new style to be, I’ve started a fashion inspiration Pinterest board, where I’ve pinned outfits that match the style I’d like to have.

I want my new style to be as comfortable as what I currently wear, but I want to inject a little more colour and style into it.

The first thing I did when looking for outfits to pin was search for the style I was after. I searched for casual outfit inspiration, winter outfits, casual clothing, and even searched for celebrities that had the style I was after.

Some of the outfits that I have on my fashion inspiration Pinterest board, that resemble the style I’m after are below.

How to update your wardrobe seek inspiration

I’ve even added some Summer outfits to my fashion inspiration Pinterest board, as I don’t have any Summer clothes at the moment.


Once I had a good selection of outfits on my fashion inspiration Pinterest board, I made a list in my bullet journal of the regularly occurring clothing items.

This included tan cardigans, black, grey, and white t-shirts, white shirts with black dots, good fitting dark jeans, tan shoes, peach shoes, and white sneakers.

I’ll make sure I take this list with me whenever I go shopping so I’m sure to purchase items that are on it, instead of purchasing items that don’t match the new style I’m seeking.


To ensure that I keep motivated to update my wardrobe, the first place I’ll shop for items from my fashion inspiration Pinterest board list will be at my favourite stores.

I know I’ll have more success in actually buying something if it’s from a store I know has clothing that I like.

Some of my favourite brands at the moment are:


The first thing I’ll buy from my shopping list when updating my wardrobe are basics.

These include tan cardigans, black, grey, and white t-shirts, good fitting dark jeans, and tan shoes.

After this I’ll shop for things that have a bit more personality or colour, such as white shirts with dots.


Updating my wardrobe will be an ongoing process. Whenever I go clothes shopping I’ll have to make sure that I only buy pieces from my list, that match the style I want.

I’ll also regularly update my fashion inspiration Pinterest board, and my shopping list, so I’m always just buying clothes that matches my new style. 

How do you update your wardrobe?
I’d love to hear how you do this in the comment section below.

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