
Self-care tips for mums

Self-care tips for mums - bedside table with clock, weights, bagels, book and mug

As mums we know the importance of self-care, so finding self-care tips for mums that enables us to fit self-care into our busy schedules is essential.

Making time for self-care is important for mums, because mum life is full of varying responsibilities – from motherhood, career, relationships, and more, the amount we have to fit into our mum lives can lead us to feeling mum burnout and mum guilt, if we don’t make time for ourselves.

If you’d like to start making self-care a priority, here are some self-care tips for mums that will help you.

Daily self-care tips for mums

To ensure self-care becomes a priority, and even a habit, practice it daily.

You could start with 5 minutes of self-care a day, then build on the amount of time you give it.

Or you could break your self-care time up over the day. For example, you could do 5 minutes of self-care 3 times a day, which gives you 15 minutes of self-care that day.

You could also do something the same time each day, like before your kids wake up, or as part of your morning routine.

Have realistic time expectations

Be realistic about the amount of time you can dedicate to self-care, and make sure you choose a self-care activity that fits into the time you have.

For example, if you have 5 minutes, choose a quick self-care activity, such as reading, journal writing, enjoying a hot beverage, listening to a podcast, or having a shower.

If you plan to do a self-care activity that takes longer than the time you have, you’ll become disheartened when it doesn’t happen, and may stop doing self-care all together.

Self-care tips for mums - basket with wellness items, and a mug.

Treat self-care as an appointment

Treat self-care in the same way as you would a doctor, dentist, or any other appointment, which means putting it into your calendar and not cancelling it.

Make a commitment to spend the time you’ve allocated to yourself happen.

Choose a self-care activity you love

Another self-care tip for mums is to choose one of the self-care activities for busy mums that you know you’ll love and enjoy.

Doing a self-care activity that’s popular, or that you think you should be doing, results in you not enjoying your time to yourself, or getting the full benefits from it.

Also, don’t judge what you love to do as self-care. For example, one of my favourite self-care activities, which many people may question, is doing a home declutter project.

Decluttering may not seem like self-care to others, but for me it’s the ultimate form of self-care, because having a decluttered space helps me stay sane and feel calmer, which to me is self-care.

Self-care tips for mums - crystals, body brush, oils and towels.

Let go of perfectionism

Self-care for mums also means letting go of perfectionism, the idea that we need to be perfect at everything.

Letting go of high expectations you have of yourself is essential to your wellbeing, and how you take care of yourself.

Stop the comparison trap

There are many opportunities to compare our lives to others, and when we do this we can feel inadequate, less than, or pressured to add even more to our to do lists, which lessens the amount of time you dedicate to yourself.


Some self-care tips for mums that can help mums prioritise self-care include practicing it everyday, and ensuring that the right amount of time is dedicated to it.

Treating self-care as an appointment and not cancelling it, as well as choosing a self-care activity that you love, are also great self-care tips for mums.

Finally, letting go of perfectionism, being easier on yourself, and not comparing yourself to others, goes a long way towards listening to what you need, and then meeting those needs

I hope you’ve found some self-care tips here that you’d like to try.

How do you practice self-care as a mum?

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