
10 morning routine ideas to start your day off right

Last Updated on April 12, 2024

10 morning routine ideas to start your day off right

Having a morning routine where you do certain things at a particular time, and in a particular order, is really important. It allows you to start the day more peacefully, and you can even get things done before the day gets too hectic.

When deciding whether you’d like to implement a morning routine into your life, there’s no pressure on choosing the perfect one straight away, as there’s no one way to choose a morning routine.

The best thing is to try a few and choose one that suits your lifestyle, that’s fun, and that achieves what you want it to.

If you like the idea of starting a morning routine so you can start your day slowly and productively, instead of rushing into it head first, then here are 10 morning routine ideas to consider.


Preparing as much as you can for the morning the night before gives you less things to worry about as soon as you wake up.

Some things that you can do each night to set yourself up for a great next day include:

  • Laying out the clothes that you and your kids will wear the next day
  • Cleaning your kitchen
  • Sweeping or mopping the floor
  • Preparing any breakfast items that you can like cutting fruit, making overnight oats, or filling up water bottles
  • Plan what you want to get done the next day


One of the morning routine ideas that really appeals to me is to wake up before everyone else.

This can be hard to do, especially when you’re exhausted, or unwell, but getting up before everyone else allows you to start your day quietly, get things done, and even provides you with some much needed alone time.

During this time you may decide to read, meditate, exercise, catch up on your favourite TV show, or start work.

Whatever you choose to do, the best way to wake up before everyone else is to make sure you get to bed at the time that allows you to get the sleep you need to wake up early.

So if you’d like to wake up at 6am and you know you need at least 7 hours sleep each night, then you’ll need to be in bed by 11pm the night before to increase your chances of getting up at 6am.

This may not be one of the morning routine ideas that you may be able to do if you have a baby that wakes in the night, you’re exhausted on the morning you’d like to wake up before everyone else, or you’re unwell, and if any of these things are the case, then that’s totally okay.

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Making a plan for how you want your day to go, what commitments you have, and any priorities you want to work on is one of the morning routine ideas that is worth trying if you’d like to increase your productivity levels.

Taking some time in the morning to plan your day allows you to prepare yourself mentally for whatever the day throws at you, before you get distracted and have to start meeting the needs of your other family members.

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Spending time outdoors first thing in the morning is a great way to feel energised and ready to tackle whatever comes up.

This doesn’t mean that you have to spend a lot of time outdoors, it could be as simple as drinking your morning drink outside, or just standing outside for a short time to get some fresh air on your face.


Making my bed first thing in the morning in one of the morning routine ideas that I do every day, which I’ve been doing as long as I can remember.

Making your bed is more than just a chore, by doing something first thing in the morning you’re able to tick something off your to do list, which gives you the motivation to keep ticking more things off.


Having a healthy breakfast provides the energy you need to get through the rest of your day.

If having a healthy breakfast is one of the morning routine ideas you’d like to start, then you could start it by looking up some recipes you’d like to make, then scheduling them into your calendar so you can get excited to try them.


Reading is one of the best morning routine ideas to try, as finding time to read during the day, or even at night, is hard.

You don’t need to allocate a lot of time to reading, even just 5 minutes of reading each morning will do wonders for your imagination, self development, and will keep you away from mindless scrolling on your phone.

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Doing something for yourself is one of the morning routine ideas that sounds really appealing to me.

Starting the day by doing something just for you means that you’re meeting your needs before meeting anyone else’s, which puts you in a good headspace for the day.

Some things you could do during this time includes listening to a podcast, watching TV or Youtube, or finding something you’d like to learn more about.

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Keeping your phone off for the first hour of your day is a great way to enjoy the quietness of the morning before your day gets busy, and ensures you don’t get distracted by emails and other things that may take up your valuable morning time.


Spending time with your family in the morning, even if it’s just once a week, by taking a walk together, enjoying breakfast as a family, having a catch up on what everyone has planned for the day, or calling family you don’t live with is a really nice way to start the day.

There’s no one morning routine to suit everyone, sometimes you need to try a few to see what feels the best, and once you find one, you don’t have to do it everyday if you don’t feel the need to.

Once you find a morning routine that you like, you may need to change it during school holidays, different seasons of life, or even as your family grows or matures.

When it comes to choosing a morning routine, flexibility is key, if what you choose doesn’t work any longer for you or your family, then don’t be afraid to change it, or choose something else.

Which of these morning routine ideas do you like the sound of?

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