
11 things to do before the end of the year

Last Updated on April 25, 2024

11 things to do before the end of the year cup of tea

[AD] Starting a new year as organised as possible is something that many of us aspire to do, and luckily there are things that we can do to achieve this.

If this is something that sounds appealing to you, here are 11 things to do before the end of the year that will allow you to start the New Year organised, and ready to tackle any goals you’ve set.

Say no

Saying no to events or invitations you don’t have time for, or that you really don’t want to do, will get you into the habit of saying no to similar things in the New Year.

Every time you say no to something, you’re saying yes to something else that gives you more joy, or more time to work on things that will help you achieve your goals.


Reflecting on your year allows you to identify things you don’t want to take into the New Year, or continue to do the things that you enjoyed.

If you’d like to reflect on your year, some questions you can ask yourself include:

  • What made you happy?
  • What made you unhappy?
  • What things do you want to leave behind?
  • What would you change about the year?
  • What activities or hobbies do you want to start?

Write a gratitude list

Writing a gratitude list by listing everything you were grateful for during the year allows you to focus on all the amazing things you have in your life, allowing you to start the new year more positively.

11 things to do before the end of the year gratitude journal

List your achievements

Writing a list of what you’ve achieved over the year is a great way to feel good about what you’ve achieved, instead on focussing on what you didn’t.


A home related task to do before the end of the year is to tackle some decluttering projects that you didn’t make time for during the year.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time on this, decluttering a small space, or even just one room, will make you feel much more organised in your home.

Digital declutter

Another decluttering project you could tackle is a digital declutter, where you could delete unwanted photos, tidy computer files, tackle your inbox, and even unfollow accounts on social media that no longer make you happy.

Record important dates

Starting a new planner is one of my favourite things to do before the end of the year, and one of the best ways to start a new planner is to put important dates in it like birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays for the next year, so you don’t miss anything you shouldn’t.

11 things to do before the end of the year tablet and phone

Use small pockets of time

If you find yourself with small pockets of time at the end of the year, use them to tick off any outstanding to do list items, so you can start the New Year fresh.

Write a brain dump

Writing a brain dump at the end of the year entails writing down everything you’d like to do the following year, so you can tackle them as the year progresses.

Goal setting

Setting goals is something many people do before the end of the year, and you can make your goals as short or as long as you’d like depending on how much time you have to achieve your goals.

The most important thing when it comes to achieving your goals is that you put timelines against them, and schedule the timelines into your calendar.

Secure a funeral plan

One of the most significant, yet often overlooked things to do before the end of the year is securing a funeral plan.

While it might seem morbid to think about, planning for your funeral is a practical step towards achieving peace of mind.

It’s not just about preparing for the inevitable; it’s about easing the emotional and financial burden on your loved ones in the future.

A funeral plan allows you to outline your preferences for a funeral service, ensuring that your wishes are respected. Additionally, it locks in current prices, protecting against the rising costs of funeral services.

I hope this post has given you a great idea of some of the things you can do before the end of the year to start the New Year organised and more on top of things.

You don’t have to do everything on this list, pick and choose what suits your current stage of life, and tweak it so it works for you.

What things do you like to do at the end of a year?

11 things to do before the end of the year writing a gratitude list Pinterest graphic

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