
Strategies for working mums to overcome mum burnout

Strategies for working mums to overcome mum burnout - mum on floor with laptop and baby.

[AD] Juggling a career and motherhood is no small feat, and it’s hardly surprising that it often leads to mum burnout, where you may feel a seemingly endless cycle of exhaustion as you try to meet both work deadlines and family commitments.

Burnout, characterised by emotional fatigue and a lack of accomplishment, can sneak up quietly, diminishing your ability to enjoy your professional and personal life.

To help overcome mum burnout, there are strategies that can create a more balanced lifestyle. It’s about setting boundaries, acknowledging that perfection is unattainable, and prioritising self-care amidst your busy schedule.

Here are some strategies that mums can utilise to help them overcome mum burnout.

Recognise the signs of mum burnout

Recognising the signs of mum burnout is the first step towards making changes that support your well-being.

Symptoms like emotional exhaustion, lack of accomplishment, and diminishing enjoyment in activities prompt attention.

To accurately assess your level of mum burnout, and identify specific stressors, consider taking the burnout test from BrainManager.

This tool can provide insights into your current state, and guide you toward the necessary adjustments to regain balance in your life.

Make small changes

Implementing small, sustainable changes can make a considerable difference.

Whether it’s delegating tasks without guilt, finding a support network, or carving out time for hobbies and rest, these adjustments can replenish your energy.

This refresh enables you to approach both your job and parenting with renewed vigour, and a more positive outlook.

Assess your priorities

Before you can overcome mum burnout, it’s crucial to clarify what truly matters to you. This means understanding your core values and setting realistic goals.

Strategies for working mums to overcome mum burnout - mum on floor with laptop and baby.

Identifying core values

Your core values are the compass that guides your decisions and actions. They’re essential in determining where you devote your energy.

To identify your core values:

  • Reflect on moments when you’ve felt the most fulfilled or proud
  • Think about what is was specifically about those moments that was so rewarding

Action step – list out your top five core values in order of importance, such as family, achievement, or health.

Set realistic goals

With your core values as a foundation, any mum goals you set should align and be attainable.

Unfeasible objectives can lead to frustration and mum burnout.

Here’s how to keep your goals realistic:

  • Ensure each goal can be broken down into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Check that your timeline for achieving your goals is flexible and reasonable

Action step – create a goal chart that aligns with your core values, assigning no more than three major goals to focus on at a time.

Professional life balance

Achieving a work-life balance is pivotal for working mums who strive to excel both professionally and personally.

Consider these strategies to ensure your job supports your well-being and family life.

Strategies for working mums to overcome mum burnout overcoming mum burnout - baby playing with blocks.

Negotiating flexibility at work

Understanding your needs greatly aids in negotiating flexibility with your employer.

Start by:

  1. Identifying core hours – determine what hours you must be available for meetings and collaborative work
  2. Proposing solutions – suggest a trial period for your flexible schedule to demonstrate its effectiveness
  3. Highlighting benefits – emphasise how the proposed arrangement can improve productivity and morale.

Remote work tips

Remote work can be a game changer, offering you the chance to blend professional responsibilities with home life more seamlessly.

Adopt these practices for better remote working:

  • Maintain a designated workspace – keep a specific area for work to separate professional and personal spaces
  • Establish clear boundaries – communicate with your family when you are unavailable
  • Utilise tech tools – leverage technology for efficient communication and organisation

Effective delegation

You don’t have to do it all. Sharpen your delegation skills with these steps:

  • Recognise delegate tasks – pinpoint tasks that others can handle and focus on what only you can do
  • Choose the right people – delegate to individuals whose skills match the task at hand
  • Communicate clearly – be specific about what you need, including deadlines and expected outcomes
Strategies for working mums to overcome mum burnout - mum on floor with laptop and baby.

Self care strategies

Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

As a working mum, integrating self care routines into your life is essential to overcome mum burnout.

Here’s how to maintain your well-being with exercise, mental health practices, and social support.


Regular exercise boosts your mood and energy levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week.


Your diet significantly impacts how you feel.

Make sure you eat balanced meals including a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains.

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day is also a great way to support your well being.

Strategies for working mums to overcome mum burnout - bed with laptop and notebook.

Mental health practices

It’s not all about the body, your mind needs attention too. Short, daily mental health practices can keep stress at bay.

Some things you can do to support your mental health are:

  • Meditation – even five minutes can make a difference
  • Gratitude journaling – write down three things you’re thankful for each day

Social support

You’re not alone on this journey. Strong social support networks are crucial for your well-being and can include:

  • Friends – regular catch-ups can lift your spirits
  • Support groups – connect with other working mums who understand your challenges

Maximise family time

Striking a balance between work and family life can help you overcome mum burnout.

Focusing on enriching family time is key, and can be done as follows:

Quality vs. quantity

It’s not about the hours, but how you spend them.

Spending quality time with family often trumps quantity. Engage in activities that everyone enjoys and create lasting memories.

Carve out specific times during the week when you can give your kids your undivided attention, whether it’s a quick game night, or a shared hobby.

Involve kids in chores

Turn necessity into opportunity by involving your children in household chores.

Some age appropriate chores include:

  • Age 3 – 5 Pick up toys
  • Age 6 – 8 Setting the table
  • Age 9 -12 Folding the laundry

Giving kids chores teaches them responsibility, and allows for teamwork, freeing up more time for leisure activities together.

Family rituals

Rituals can be daily, like a bedtime story, or weekly, such as Saturday morning pancakes or Sunday dinner.

Rituals build a sense of family unity, and provide everyone with something to look forward to.

When these moments are consistent, they become cherished traditions that reinforce family bonds.


For working mums grappling with mum burnout, the key lies in striking a balance through setting boundaries, prioritising self-care, and embracing support systems.

By acknowledging personal limits, engaging in meaningful self-assessment, and implementing practical strategies in both professional and personal spheres, working mums can more effectively navigate the demands of career and family.

This holistic approach fosters a sustainable lifestyle that nurtures both career satisfaction and family well-being, ensuring that mum burnout is managed, and the joys of both roles are maximised.

How do you juggle work and family commitments?

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