
5 reasons why a late toddler bedtime can be beneficial

Last Updated on August 7, 2024

5 reasons why a late toddler bedtime can be beneficial

Some toddlers love an early bedtime, but some toddlers, like mine, prefer a late toddler bedtime.

If you have a toddler that goes to bed late, it could be because that’s how their body clock works, so there’s not much you can do to change it.

If this is the case, then instead of feeling stressed about trying to change it, it could be time instead to look at some reasons why a late toddler bedtime may actually be beneficial.

If rethinking about your late toddler’s bedtime is something you’d like to do, here are 5 reasons why a late toddler bedtime may actually work for you, your toddler, and your family.

Time with non preferred parent

If your toddler prefers one parent over the other, having a later bedtime means that they can spend some quality time with the non preferred parent, who may get home later at night.

This also means that both parents can do the bedtime routine, so your toddler learns that both parents can do the same things, and that the non preferred parent can help them when they need it, which may encourage them to rely on the non preferred parent more, as well as allow your toddler to build bonds with both parents.

Time to organise

There are some things we can do at night to start the next day off right, including a quick house tidy up, tidying the kitchen, or making school lunches for the next day.

If your toddler has a late bedtime, you can spend time at night getting ready for the next day, so when they’re finally asleep you don’t have to worry about getting the house sorted out.

5 reasons why a late toddler bedtime can be beneficial

Enjoy family time out

Another benefit of a later toddler bedtime is that if you have a family night out you’re not on a deadline to race back home to put your toddler to bed.

This means that you can enjoy a family dinner out, stay at friend’s house a little later, or celebrate a family occasion without worrying about how it will impact your toddler’s early bedtime.

Less bedtime stress

Trying to get your toddler to go to bed earlier than they’re ready can be stressful. There can be tears, yelling, and hurt feelings.

Accepting that your toddler prefers a later bedtime and working around it means there’s less stress trying to get them to sleep when they’re not ready, which will result in a more relaxed and calm night.

If it works, do it

It’s so easy to compare ourselves to other families, and feel pressured to do things a certain way, but if a late toddler bedtime works for you and your family, then go with it.

It’s also worth remembering that bedtimes change. Once your toddler starts school they might go to bed earlier because they’re tired, then when they’re teenagers they may not wake up until lunchtime!

I hope you’ve found some reasons on why a late toddler bedtime can be beneficial for you and your family, that make you feel better about your own toddler’s bedtime.

What time does your toddler go to bed?

5 reasons why a late toddler bedtime can be beneficial

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