
6 tips to improve your sleep

Last Updated on April 25, 2024

6 tips to improve your sleep bedroom with flowers

[AD] As mums it can be hard to get a good nights sleep during the week. We’re either thinking of everything on our to do list, we have a toddler who goes to bed late, we get interrupted in the night, or there could be any other number of reasons why your sleep isn’t the best, which is why many of us use our weekends to catch up on sleep.

If you struggle to sleep, here are 6 tips to improve your sleep, which are especially important on weekends, so you’re well rested, and ready to tackle the week ahead.

Get better blinds

If your bedroom doesn’t have any blinds, or the ones you have don’t block out light well enough, this could be a reason why you’re not getting enough sleep.

Plantation Shutters are great blinds for a good nights sleep, as they control the amount of light in your bedroom, enabling you to sleep better.

Limit caffeine and avoid nicotine

Caffeine, which can come from tea, coffee, chocolate, cola, and some medications, and nicotine, which is in tobacco products, can interfere with your sleep.

Limiting caffeine and nicotine, as well as steering clear of heavy or rich foods within two to three hours of bedtime, will improve your sleep.

Exercise regularly

Another tip to improve your sleep is to exercise regularly, as long as you do it a couple of hours before going to bed.

Regular physical activity, even a gentle evening walk, can promote better sleep, helps you to fall asleep faster, and also allows you to have a deeper sleep.

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Manage stress

Stress and feelings of overwhelm can make falling and staying asleep difficult, they can also make you wake up early and unable to fall back asleep.

Managing stress, and reducing feelings of overwhelm, can help you to sleep much better.

Limit screen use 

One of the tips to improve sleep that we hear a lot is limiting screen use before bed, because the blue light emitted by your phone, tablet, computer, or TV affects your quality of sleep.

One of the ways you can minimise the amount of blue light emitted by these devices is to download an app, or set your screen to become a warmer hue as the sun sets.

Listen to your body

Your body has a natural sleep-wake cycle, one way it tells you if you’ve had enough sleep is by waking up naturally without an alarm. Another is to be consistent with the times you go to bed and wake up, even on weekends.

By implementing the tips here that work for you, your sleep will be improved, and you’ll be able to sleep better on weekends, helping you to get out of sleep debt, as well as allowing you to feel refreshed and well rested for whatever the week has in store for you.

What do you do to improve your sleep on the weekends?

6 tips to improve your sleep Pinterest graphic

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