
How to improve children’s concentration and focus

Last Updated on September 1, 2024

2 girls drawing - an activity if you're looking for how to improve children's concentration and focus.

[AD] If you’re wondering how to improve children’s concentration and focus, and if it’s something that can be done, then there’s some good news.

There are some activities to help kids concentrate and focus better, which can help children be more independent, and also help lessen mum guilt that you may feel when you need your kids to focus on something so you can have some alone time as a mum.

If you’ve been asking yourself how to improve children’s concentration and focus, so you can get your own children to do these things better, here are some activities that you can try.

Find hobbies your kids love

Finding hobby ideas for kids that your kids enjoy, means they’ll get more satisfaction from doing them, which will keep them focussed longer.

One of the hobbies that many kids love is crafts, which is made easier by getting your child a craft board.

If your child enjoys writing, drawing, or colouring, sitting on the floor while doing these hobbies may make them uncomfortable, which means they’ll give up on doing them fast.

Using a craft board supports the paper or material they’re using, which helps with stability, causing less frustration, and increasing the time they concentrate and focus on their craft activity.

Create a routine

There are many benefits of having a routine, one of these is that they provide kids with the knowledge of how long things take.

Having a routine for kids can really help your child focus, because they know what needs to be done to complete something.

Make activities interesting

Something else you can do to help your child concentrate and focus is to engage them in activities that keep them interested.

This can include:

  • Educational games suited to their age
  • Colouring books containing their favourite TV characters
  • Puzzles that make sounds or are a little challenging

Finding interesting activities that they enjoy, and that challenge them, means your kids will be occupied for longer periods of time, and they will have to concentrate and focus to finish them.

Girl holding a drawing of a person - an activity if you're looking for how to improve children's concentration and focus.

Get physical

Kids have a lot of energy, which they can burn off at home or outdoors by doing things such as running, jumping, and long walks.

After their physical activity they’ll be ready for some quiet time, and will have the mental capacity to focus on something as well.

Establish a quiet area

Another thing you can do if you’re looking for how to improve children’s concentration and focus is to implement quiet time for your kids.

You can do this by establishing a quiet area within your home, where your kids can go for quiet time to recharge.

Ensure that any quiet area you find is calm, as children focus better in calm environments.

You may also like to include a few sentimental pieces in your children’s quiet area, like their favourite toy, a cushion, or even a blanket.

Reward focused behaviour

If your children have concentrated or focussed on something really well, praise them, or give them a tiny reward or additional play time, to encourage them to repeat this behaviour in the future.

If you choose to praise your children make sure you’re specific and tell them exactly what they did that was great, for example, “you did a great job focusing on your homework, well done.”

Girl drawing with crayons - an activity if you're looking for how to improve children's concentration and focus.

Simplify tasks

One last activity to help kids concentrate and focus is to simplify tasks, which means dividing big tasks into smaller chunks that they can better handle, so they don’t give up on them easily.

How to improve children’s concentration and focus – a recap

Finding activities that improve your children’s concentration and focus not only helps them develop the skills needed to become more independent, but also gives you some time out.

Some things you can do if you want to improve your kids focus and concentration include finding hobbies they love, and making tasks interesting, because the more they enjoy something, the longer they’ll concentrate and focus on it.

Kids thrive with routines, routines allow them to understand how long things take, so if there’s something you’d like your kids to concentrate or focus on more, such as finishing their homework, or preparing for school on their own, make it part of their daily routine.

Some more things you can do to improve children’s concentration and focus is to let them burn off their energy, so they can then focus on quieter tasks afterwards, which they may do in a quiet area within your home.

You may even like to praise or reward your children after they concentrate or focus on something for a long period of time to encourage them to do it again, and if you do give them tasks to focus on, make sure they’re broken down into smaller chunks so they don’t give up on them too soon.

What activities can your kids concentrate and focus on?

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