
Tips for helping children cope with grief

Last Updated on September 1, 2024

Cherry Blossoms - finding new flowers is one of the ways of helping children cope with grief.

[AD] Helping children cope with grief will undoubtably be one of the hardest things you have to do as a mum.

Whether it’s a much loved pet, or a loved one, here are some tips for helping children cope with grief, that I hope makes the process easier for you and your child.

Have a final goodbye

Something you can do to help your child grieve their loss is having a final goodbye by having a memorial plaque put up at a funeral place such as https://www.academyfuneralservices.com.au/.

By doing this your child can express their feelings as much as they need to.

The stages of grief are different for everyone, so allow your child to go through each stage at their own pace.

If you think your child needs extra help processing their feelings, it’s totally okay to seek help from a grief counsellor or professional, if you think they need it.

Keep your child busy

Keeping your child busy during their grieving period can help them to focus their thoughts on something other than their grief.

You could do this by looking for hobbies for kids that they may like, or starting a new routine, like a morning routine, which will give them something different to focus on.

Introduce them to new hobbies

If keeping your child busy with new hobbies is something you’re interested in, then seeking out hobbies that they once enjoyed with the their pet, or person they’ve lost, or starting a new hobby, can help them to add fun back into their life.

Lean on friends and family

Having your child surrounded by friends and family who care about them, and can give them additional emotional support, is a great way to ensure they’re not isolated, and consumed by their thoughts during this time.

Tips for helping children cope with grief – a recap

Helping your child through grief is hard, but there are some things you can do to help them get through this time.

Some of these things include having a final goodbye and placing a memorial plaque somewhere they visit often, keeping them busy, or even finding them a new hobby.

Additionally, leaning on friends and family for support can help them process their feelings, as can seeking help from a grief counsellor or professional if you think it will help them.

I hope there’s some tips here that will help you if you have to go through this difficult time, and I hope you all get through it as best as you can.

How do you help your children through difficult feelings?

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