
Event planning time saving tips for busy mums

Last Updated on September 1, 2024

Child putting a pink invitation into an envelope - sending invitations early is one of the top event planning time saving tips.

[AD] There’s a lot of planning that goes into events, and if you’re a busy mum, finding event planning time saving tips will contribute towards how enjoyable the process is, and how successful the event turns out.

If you’re looking for tips on how to make event planning easier, whether you have a kid’s birthday party coming up, or a special family occasion, here are some event planning time saving tips that will allow you to create a memorable event, without feeling the weight of the planning on your shoulders.

Plan ahead

The first event planning time saving tip you should implement is to plan your event in advance.

You can do this by:

  • Creating a timeline with key milestones that you want to accomplish
  • Listing what supplies you need to buy
  • Thinking about what food you want to serve, and
  • Sending invitations out well in advance

Once you have a to do list of everything you need to do for the event, break down each task into manageable chunks, and allocate a timeframe for each of them.

Planning ahead for events is a great way to stay organised, as well as prevent yourself from rushing about at the last minute to get everything done.

Set a budget

Another integral component of event planning is setting a budget, because you’ll want to ensure that you keep your money in check.

You don’t want to be digging too deep into your pocket if you don’t have to. You need to make informed decisions about things like decorations, food, and entertainment, so you don’t overspend.

Child holding a spotty garland - organising decorations is one of the top event planning time saving tips.

Choose a theme

No matter what type of event you’re holding, make sure you select a theme.

An event theme makes it easy for you to decide on the type of decorations, food, and even style of invitations you’ll need.

Your goal when it comes to event planning is to be as productive as possible in the shortest span of time, so take some time to think about the all-important theme.

Design invitations

Another event planning time saving tip is to design invitations as early as possible, and send them out so your guests have enough time to let you know if they can attend.

There are many ways to go about creating invitations, they can range from simple to high-end invitation cards.

If you decide to send out a simple invitation, you can print them on cardstock paper and print them at a print shop, or from your own printer at home.

For more high-end invitations for formal occasions such as weddings, you may want to select black label paper. This will add a touch of class and prestige, and with the right printing company, you can get these invitations to look stunning.

Delegate responsibility

When planning events try to delegate responsibility as much as you can by enlisting family and friends to help you whenever, and wherever possible.

If your children are old enough, you can encourage independence in children by asking them to help, as they usually love helping with events.

Delegating responsibility will make your life easier, and will still allow you to be a fabulous host.

Chocolate cup cake with sprinkles next to pink ribbon - organising food is one of the top event planning time saving tips.

Event planning time saving tips – a recap

Planning events can be stressful, especially if you’re a busy mum with not a lot of time.

However, with a little bit of planning, and some time saving tips, planning events can be done more productively, and the whole process can actually be enjoyable.

One thing you can do to save time when planning an event is to make sure you plan ahead.

You can do this by creating a timeline of when you want certain things done by, and breaking these tasks into manageable chunks.

Setting a budget is also an important thing to do when planning events, as things can get out of hand quickly if you don’t have set amounts for spending.

One of the more fun aspects of planning an event is choosing a theme, which will help you to decide what decorations you will have, what type of food to serve, and even what type of invitation design is appropriate.

When it comes to invitations, think about the quality of invitation that’s needed for the event. For example, if you’re event is formal, like a wedding, then you’ll want a high-end quality of paper, compared to a lower quality paper for a kid’s birthday party invitation.

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, don’t take the entire event planning process on yourself. Delegate tasks to family and friends, and if your kids are old enough, they’d love to be given some things to do as well.

I hope you’ve found some event planning time saving tips here that will help make your next event not only a success, but an event that you get to relax at and enjoy after all the hard work you put into planning it.

Do you have any event planning time saving tips that work well for you?

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