
10 ways to declutter your kid’s room

Last Updated on April 25, 2024

Ways to declutter your kid’s room - storage box with toys in it

Decluttering your kid’s room isn’t easy, and can be made even more challenging due to emotional attachments they may have to items you’re trying to declutter.

However, tackling a kid’s bedroom clutter is essential to the quality of their sleep, the amount of time they’ll spend in their room, and if you’re like me, to your state of mind whenever you enter the room.

Here are some ways that you can declutter your kid’s room, so you can better maintain all the things that they hold, and keep your sanity surrounding your kid’s belongings intact.

Sort things into categories

Sorting things into categories is a great way to declutter your kid’s room, as it allows you to easily make decisions on what to keep, and what to get rid of.

To do this place everything in your kid’s room on their bed, then place each item into the following categories:

  • Keep
  • Sell
  • Donate
  • Throw out
  • Put in storage

Put the sell and put in storage items in another room, and deal with them once you’re finished with the following steps.

Place the donate items in a large bag, and put it immediately in your car so you can donate it, and it’s out of your house.

Throw out the throw out items, and for the keep items sort each item into categories so you can put all like items away together.

Some category examples are:

  • Puzzles
  • Vehicles
  • Lego
  • Craft supplies
  • Soft toys
  • Books
  • Clothing

Once done place each category away in a place that makes sense.

For example, soft toys could go in a storage container next to their bed, books in a bookshelf.

A place for everything

Not only is this a good tip to declutter kids’ rooms, but it’s also a great way to keep your house tidy, which is to have a place for everything, and to make sure that everything is in its place.

For kids’ bedrooms, this means making sure that everything has somewhere to live, otherwise things end up on the floor, the bed, or placed in piles inside kids’ wardrobes.

Some examples of places where things can live include books in bookshelves, soft toys in soft storage bags, Lego in containers.

Having a place for everything also makes decluttering your kid’s room easier, because once the bookshelf is full, containers are overflowing, or other areas where things live reach capacity, it’s a sign that some decluttering needs to happen.

Rotate toys

Sometimes the more toys our kids have, the less they play with them.

One way to encourage kids to play with their toys, as well as declutter the amount of toys in their rooms, is by rotating toys.

You can do this by putting seasonal, or unused toys in containers, and storing them in another room.

Every couple of months you can put the stored toys back in their room, and put a new set away.

Here are more tips on how to rotate toys if this is something you’d like to do to minimise toy clutter.

Ways to declutter your kid’s room - child playing with soft toys

Donate toys seasonally

Another toy declutter tip is to donate toys seasonally, which means decluttering toys at certain times of the year such as:

  • When your kids have outgrown them
  • Before birthdays
  • Before Christmas

Regularly decluttering toys, especially before new toys are due to come into the house, keeps toy clutter to a manageable level.

Avoid multiple parts

When buying new toys, look for toys that don’t have a lot of parts, or that will take up space you don’t have.

For example, to minimise toy clutter in my home, I avoid buying toys that have lots of parts such as car garages, which not only have cars but also car ramps, street signs, and even small tools to fix cars.

I also avoid purchases like pop up tents that are hard to put up, or pull down, as well as toys that will take up the majority of space in my kids’ bedroom.

Storage containers

Using storage containers is one of my favourite ways to declutter kids’ rooms, as well as declutter and organise the house.

There are many different types of containers you can use to declutter your kid’s room.

These include containers made from different materials, with and without lids, some coloured, some clear, there are many options to suit your needs.

Some ideas on using storage containers to help keep on top of toy clutter include using fabric containers to store clothes, clear containers for Lego or cars, and coloured containers to add some colour to your kid’s room.

Ways to declutter your kid’s room - girl drawing with markers

Functional storage

Having storage in your kid’s room that’s functional can go a long way to minimising bedroom clutter.

This could mean investing in vertical storage like wall mounted shelves, bookshelves, or storage systems, so floor space is maximised.

Or perhaps buying furniture with inbuilt storage, such as beds with drawers or desks under them, or wardrobes with extra shelves.

Tidy up challenges

Inevitably toys will take over your kid’s room at some point, and you’ll need some help to clean it all up.

Having a toy tidy up challenge is a great way to motivate your kids to help tidy up their rooms, as well as encourage toddlers to pick up toys.

You can do this by playing tidy up music and seeing who can tidy up the most toys first, or you can see if any of these toy tidy up challenge ideas will work even better.

Declutter a section at a time

If decluttering your kid’s room feels overwhelming, consider decluttering one section at a time, which is also a great way to declutter fast, and keep motivated to continue in your decluttering activities.

This could mean tackling clothes first, then the next day toys, the day after books, and continuing until the whole room is decluttered.

Ways to declutter your kid’s room - child holding books

Declutter regularly

Decluttering regularly will ensure that your declutter efforts are maintained, and things don’t get to a state where it becomes overwhelming again.

This could be as easy as implementing daily decluttering habits, or decluttering your kid’s room seasonally.

Decluttering your kid’s room can be easier than you think if you find a way to declutter it that suits your decluttering style, or the amount of time you have.

You could sort things into categories, make sure everything has a place to live, rotate toys so only a few toys are out at anytime, donate toys before new toys will enter your home, or buy toys that don’t have a lot of parts.

Some more ideas to declutter your kid’s room are having storage solutions that work, such as storage containers, or functional storage like beds with storage or desks underneath them, or wall mounted storage solutions.

You could also get your kids’ help to declutter their rooms by making it a challenge, or tackle bedroom clutter by doing it in sections and making sure it’s done regularly so it doesn’t get out of control.

However you declutter your kid’s room, the effort is well and truly worth it, as kids’ rooms are one of the areas of our home that are clutter prone.

How do you declutter your kids’ rooms?

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