
Nuffield Place, National Trust

Last Updated on May 4, 2024

Nuffield Place, National Trust

Nuffield Place is a National Trust property that’s perfect for a quiet morning or afternoon day out, where you want to get some fresh air, but not be surrounded by crowds.

Nuffield Place was the home of Lord Nuffield, founder of the Morris Motor Company, and his wife Lady Nuffield, for 30 years.

Nuffield Place, National Trust car history

Nuffield Place, National Trust car garages

Nuffield Place, National Trust Morris Car history

Nuffield Place, National Trust Morris cars

Lord Nuffield was one of the richest men of the 20th century, and was one of Britain’s greatest philanthropists and influencers.

Visiting this National Trust property enables you to walk through Lord and Lady Nuffield’s house, and wander through the surrounding gardens.


Nuffield Place, National Trust house tour information

Nuffield Place, National Trust house tour

Nuffield Place, National Trust rear of house

Nuffield Place, National Trust things for kids to do

The first thing we did when we visited here was a tour of the house.

There are two tours available, a morning tour, which goes for 45 minutes and takes you around the entire house, which is the one we went on.

Or an afternoon tour, which goes for 30 minutes, and takes you around the bottom level of the house, and afterwards you can walk around the upper level of the house at your leisure.

A National Trust volunteer runs the tours, which was a fantastic way to learn about the house’s and Lord Nuffield’s history, and more about the items within the house, which have been left exactly as they were when Lord and Lady Nuffield lived there.

Nuffield Place, National Trust 3 pathways

Nuffield Place, National Trust acerage

Nuffield Place, National Trust gardens

Nuffield Place, National Trust parklands

The first room we saw was the billiard room, where we also learnt about Lord Nuffield’s early life and career.

We then walked through the dining and sitting rooms, where we were told about the history of some of the possessions within them, and which items were gifts.

Nuffield Place, National Trust ining room

Nuffield Place, National Trust upstairs rooms

Despite Lord Nuffield’s wealth, the house, furniture, and decor within it was very modest. There were many ornaments, gifts, books, and memorabilia to look at, and learn more about.

One of my favourite rooms was Lord Nuffield’s bedroom, which had a secret tool cupboard in it.

Another room that I really liked was upstairs, and had a vintage Iron Lung in it, which was a negative pressure ventilator that assisted people who couldn’t breathe on their own.

Lord Nuffield manufactured 700 of these, and donated over 500 of them in total in the 1930s, to help with the affects of Polio.

Nuffield Place, National Trust house

Nuffield Place, National Trust house tours

Nuffield Place, National Trust home access

Nuffield Place, National Trust greenery

After the house tour we sat at a table outside and had a picnic, before exploring the gardens, woodland, and meadows, which were colourful, wild, and could be easily enjoyed by children.

Nuffield Place is open Wednesday – Sunday.

If you’d like to do a house tour you’ll need to pre book it, which you can do here.

Nuffield Place, National Trust garden walks

Nuffield Place, National Trust for kids

Nuffield Place, National Trust attractions

Nuffield Place, National Trust pathways

Nuffield Place, National Trust thing for kids

The last admission to Nuffield Place is at 4pm, and if you’re not a National Trust member you’ll need to pay for admission, which you can learn more about here.

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