
Renovate Like a Pro: Expert Tips for Home Upgrades

Tips for home upgrades - keys, wooden houses and to do list on desk.

[AD] Starting a home renovation project can be exciting and daunting, it’s a lot of work making home alterations because you’re not just moving walls and changing floors, you’re transforming your home into something that reflects you, and is somewhere your family will spend quality time together.

Without the right knowledge, making home upgrades can be a huge undertaking. The key to navigating this challenge is to arm yourself with professional tips and insights that can turn any daunting home upgrade task into a manageable, even enjoyable process.

If you’re about to start some home renovations, here are some expert tips for home upgrades that will make the process easier.

Start with a vision, but be flexible

Start with a vision by thinking about what design you’re going for, for example, mid-century modern, industrial, chic, cosy cottage.

Once you know what your vision is, look for some inspiration. This could mean searching Pinterest, interior design magazines, or places that you love visiting.

When thinking about your vision, stay flexible, sometimes you’ll need to change a design you like if something is discontinued, a wall you want to tear down is load-bearing, or a storage solution you love won’t work.

Being flexible and adaptable will help you with your home upgrade expectations.

Create a budget

Good financial planning will maximise the impact of every amount you spend on your home upgrades.

Before spending money consider the cost against your total budget, and ask yourself if something is worth the money, or if you could achieve a similar aesthetic with a more budget-friendly option.

When prioritising expenses, focus on renovations that will increase your home’s value, and your quality of life.

Think energy efficient upgrades, kitchen and bathroom remodels, and structural repairs. These investments often yield the best returns, both in terms of property value and daily enjoyment.

Extra tip – have a contingency fund. The last thing you want is for an unexpected issue like electrical problems or plumbing mishaps to completely thwart your renovation.

Having a contingency fund of at least 10-20% of your total budget means you’re prepared to handle these surprises without derailing your project or finances.

Tips for home upgrades - laptop, pencils, plant, phone, cup of tea, book and calculator.

Hire smart

Unless you’re experienced in DIY, you’re probably going to need to bring in the professionals for your home renovation project, and by professionals you’ll need licensed contractors to ensure you’re home upgrades are done correctly.

Start your search by looking for licensed contractors with glowing reviews and a portfolio to back up their work.

Don’t focus on the image galleries on their website, make sure you do your research and check out prospective professionals credentials, ask for references, and make sure they have experience in the specific work you need. 

For instance, if you’re dealing with a basement conversion in an older home, you’ll want to hire professionals skilled in damp proofing, especially if you’re in a city like London where moisture can be a real issue.


Communication is absolutely key in the relationship you have with any contractors. They should understand your vision, respect your budget, and be able to offer solutions that align with your goals. 

Regular updates and transparency about your home upgrade process will help build trust and ensure the project stays on track.

Remember, hiring smart means investing in someone who not only has the technical skills, but also the ability to see the bigger picture of your renovation project.

Your ideal contractor will guide you through the process, making it as smooth and stress free as possible.

Timing is everything

Timing isn’t just about avoiding renovations in the dead of winter where things like installing a new roof with snow on the ground isn’t possible, but the goal with timing is to align your home renovation projects in a way that avoids any complications or disruptions.

For example, you wouldn’t want to lay down gorgeous hardwood flooring only to have it scuffed or damaged by plumbers or electricians who come in later to do their work.

Nor would you paint walls before dusty demolition work is completed. 

Tips for home upgrades - flowers next to a bed, books on the bed.

The perfect timeline

Start with the structural changes, these are your home renovation foundations.

Moving walls, sorting out electrical and plumbing, and ensuring everything is structurally sound should be on the top of your home upgrade list. 

Next, tackle surfaces, plastering, flooring, and painting. These should set the stage for the final touches like cabinetry, fixtures, and decorations.

By strategically timing each phase, you not only protect your investment, but also streamline the process.

This approach minimises the risk of having to redo work, saving both your sanity and your bank account. 

Plus, it allows for a smoother transition from one stage to the next, ensuring that each part of your renovation receives the attention it deserves, at the right time.

Detail oriented decisions

The devil is in the details, and in the world of home renovation, these details are your secret weapon for adding perfection to your home. 

This means more than cabinet handles or light fixtures, it’s diving into the minutiae that give your home its soul, and that makes your home toddler friendly, or older kid friendly.

Think about the tactile experience, drawers sliding smoothly, the satisfying click of a well-installed door, and the visual affect of perfectly aligned tiles.

You can also decorate with rugs to bring warmth, texture, and colour to rooms, defining spaces without erecting walls.

Choose functional but comfortable furnishings, and don’t forget your walls, some artwork can make a great finishing touch.

The final reveal

By being armed with these home upgrade tips you’re ready to tackle your home upgrade with confidence and style. 

Remember, renovating is a journey, a chaotic, unpredictable, but utterly fantastic rewarding journey.

Embrace it, enjoy it, and make you home a dazzling reflection of who you are.

What home upgrades would you love to make to your home?

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