
10 super easy ways to simplify your home

Last Updated on September 13, 2024

Grey sofa, coffee table with vase and white roses, glass, and wicker basket holding magazines - things you can remove when you want to simplify your home.

The amount of clutter in your home not only affects how chaotic your home feels, but can also make you feel overwhelmed, irritated, and anxious. Luckily, there are some things you can do to simplify your home that will reduce your clutter, and feelings of overwhelm in no time.

If you’d like to simplify your home, here are some easy things you can do that will have you feeling better about your home, and your state of mind in no time.

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Start small

One of the best ways to get started with simplifying your home is to simplify an area that won’t take a lot of time, as often it’s the smaller areas in your home that cause the most overwhelm.

Some examples of starting small include simplifying a junk drawer by removing anything you don’t use, going through your mugs and removing any that are chipped, or tackling kid’s clothing by donating anything that’s the wrong size.

Set up some daily habits

Setting up daily habits will allow you to keep on top of your clutter on a daily basis, instead of letting things build up until they’re unmanageable.

Some daily habits to keep your house tidy and simplified include:

  • Using small pockets of time to clear things away, for example cleaning dishes while dinner’s cooking, or folding laundry while your kids are playing
  • Putting groceries away as soon as they’re delivered, or as soon as you bring them home
  • Setting a timer for 15 minutes and tidying up as much as you can
  • Taking anything out of a room that doesn’t belong there, and putting it where it belongs

Rotate toys

Toy clutter in my living space is something that makes me feel like my house is out of control, and is something that can make me feel quickly irritated.

If toy clutter is something that you’d like to work on as well, you could try rotating toys, which means storing some toys away, then at some point in the future bringing them out of storage, and putting other’s in storage instead.

This reduces toy clutter because it means that there’s less toys that your kid’s can leave lying around, and another of the benefits of rotating toys is that your children forget about the toys they have in storage, so when they’re bought out of storage you save money by not having to buy them new ones.

Grey sofa, coffee table with white coffee mug, and wicker basket holding magazines - things you can remove when you want to simplify your home.

Consider new purchases carefully

Before brining anything new into your home, think about if you really need it, and if you already have space for it in your home.

If you don’t actually need it, or if you have to think of somewhere to put it, then don’t buy it.

The less items you bring into your home, the fewer items you have to clean and manage, which also results in less clutter.

Assess what you have

Take a look around your home and see what items you have, and what you have in storage.

Doing this allows you to get rid of any duplicate items, use items you have in storage that you forgot about, and it also means you won’t buy something in the future that you already own.

Declutter regularly

Decluttering, and even doing a fast declutter of my home regularly, is one of the ways that I simplify my home.

If you’d like to do this as well, you can do it by choosing a room, drawer, or cupboard, and putting the items within it, it into one of the following piles:

  • Keep
  • Sell
  • Donate
  • Throw out
  • Store

Put any items in the keep pile away. List the sell items as soon as possible, put the donate items in a bag and put the bag in your car immediately so you’re not tempted to keep anything.

Throw any throw out items away, and then store the store items for future use.

Dealing with each pile straight away, means the piles won’t clutter your home, and devalue any decluttering work you’ve just done.

Grey sofa, coffee table with vase and white roses, glass, and open laptop - things you can remove when you want to simplify your home.

Have a place for everything

Having a place for everything is a great way to simplify your home, and also keep your house tidy with kids, because it means everything in your home has a place, and you can put it back there easily when it’s been removed.

Some examples of places where items can be kept include books in bookshelves, soft toys in over the door toy hammocks, or keeping excess Lego in a Lego storage container and storing it away.

Keep surfaces clutter free

Clutter that builds up on surfaces can make a room feel cluttered, even if the rest of the room is tidy.

Some ways that you can keep surfaces clutter free include:

  • Reducing the number of appliances kept on kitchen counters
  • Putting toiletries in drawers instead of on shelves
  • Keeping ornaments in living areas to a minimum
  • Filing paperwork as soon as it’s read
  • Putting groceries away as soon as you bring them home
  • Cleaning dishes every night

If you don’t use it, remove it

If there’s anything in your home that you don’t use, sell or donate it so it doesn’t create clutter you don’t need.

If you don’t want to sell or donate something, store it away, and if you still haven’t used it 6 months later, then consider selling or donating it.

Lamp, vase with white roses, clock, table decor - things you can remove when you want to simplify your home.

Make your home simplifying systems work for you

The only way you can simplify your home is by doing things that work for you.

If you decide to try a fast declutter and you don’t like doing it, or you find that the room returns to its pre decluttered state quickly afterwards, then you don’t need to keep doing it.

If you’ve decided to use a certain storage container to store toys and it doesn’t fit in the area you want to store it in, then look for another solution.

Trial and error, and finding ways to simplify your home that work for you, is the best way to keep working towards simplifying your home.

Ways to simplify your home – a recap

Simplifying your home minimises the amount of clutter you have, which makes you feel much calmer in your space.

Some of the ways that you can simplify your home include:

  • Creating daily habits to keep on top of clutter each day, before it builds up to unmanageable levels
  • Rotating toys so there’s less toy clutter in living areas
  • Simplifying smaller areas of your home like a junk drawer, or kid’s clothing, to give you the motivation to tackle larger areas
  • Only buying things you need, or things you have a space for
  • Assessing what you already have, and getting rid of duplicate items, or using things you have in storage
  • Decluttering regularly, and removing decluttered items from your home immediately, so they don’t continue to clutter your home
  • Having places for everything, and making sure everything is in its place
  • Keeping surfaces clutter free like only having a small number of appliances on kitchen counters, and filing away paperwork as soon as it’s read
  • Selling, donating, or storing unused items
  • Making sure you simplify your home in whatever ways work for you and your family

What types of clutter do you struggle with the most?

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Julie Hawley
September 14, 2024 11:06 pm

what a lovely post, some very good tips here,