
Organising and storing holiday decorations

Last Updated on April 19, 2024

Organising and storing holiday decorations - pink Christmas baubles with pink ribbon.

[AD] The holiday season brings joy and cheer to those who celebrate it, but when it’s all over, it can leave us feeling exhausted. There’s still work to be done though, as decorations must be taken down and packed away for next year.

It’s crucial to carefully store items to avoid breakage and make them easily accessible when the holidays roll around again.

However, finding space to store everything can be a challenge, especially as our collection of decorations grows each year.

Here are some handy tips from Attic Self Storage to help you reduce the stress of organising and storing your holiday décor.

Declutter before storing

Each year we try to add a new twist to our holiday decorations. This may involve updating the lights on the front porch, trying out different colours for Christmas tree ornaments, or expanding our collection of trinkets scattered throughout the house.

However, with each addition comes an inevitable build up of clutter that can become a storage nightmare.

Before hastily tucking everything away, take the time to sort through your decorations and set aside any that no longer spark joy.

The most charitable option would be to donate these unwanted items. If you’re intent on keeping them for future use, store them separately in self storage units to free up space in your home.

Protect your decorations

When purchasing delicate glass baubles or ornaments, they often come in protective packaging.

The most effective solution for ensuring their survival until next year is to keep the original packing and store them in it when the holidays are over. This also applies if you use an artificial tree.

However, the accumulation of containers may become a storage issue that can be solved by acquiring specialised storage items.

For fragile ornaments and glass balls, opt for an ornament chest with adjustable tray dividers. Fill any empty space with tissue paper to prevent them from shifting and breaking during transport.

When it comes to smaller items such as hooks, hangers, and decorative pieces, consider using customisable compartmentalised plastic cases for storage.

Label the boxes before storing them

Before storing, it’s important to label your boxes.

Instead of using multiple small boxes, gather everything into a few large ones. This will provide added protection, and prevent any small containers from sliding out of the pile, and damaging the contents inside.

As you pack them, make a list of each item being placed inside and stick it to the box.

For extra security, consider employing adhesive document sleeves typically used for delivery slips, which can be found at most stationery stores. This will ensure that your writing won’t be erased or the paper won’t tear.

Organising and storing holiday decorations - pink baubles with white gifts wrapped in gold ribbon.

Store everything in one place

For many, storing holiday decorations is the most complicated part. Not everyone has an attic or a cellar where they can easily stow seasonal items.

If you fall into the category of those who don’t have that benefit, we still recommend that you find a way to store all boxes in the same storage space.

If you need to make space, look through already stored items and see if there are any that can be taken out of their boxes and hung on the wall using hooks and pegs.

We don’t recommend leaving storage boxes scattered about, as it will only bring down your quality of life. If necessary, stack the boxes neatly against one wall, and camouflage them behind curtains.

If you cannot find a solution within your home, it may be time to consider renting a self storage unit.

Bonus tip: maximise space within containers

When packing your boxes, remember to maximise the space you have available.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Fill empty spaces: Use packing peanuts, bubble wrap, or even scrunched up tissue paper to fill any empty space within the box. This will prevent items from shifting and potentially breaking.
  • Utilise vertical space: Stack lightweight items on top of heavier ones to create layers within the box. You can also use stackable storage containers for smaller items.
  • Vacuum seal: For soft items like garlands or artificial wreaths, consider vacuum sealing them to reduce their size, and maximise space within your storage containers.

By following these tips, you can effectively store your holiday decorations while minimising the space they take up in your home.

How do you store holiday decorations?

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