
4 essential tips to make air travel more bearable

Last Updated on September 1, 2024

Camel coloured bag with jumper, passport, coffee cup and map - tips to make air travel more bearable includes how to pack.

[GUEST POST] Air travel used to be an exciting adventure. Flying was glamorous, and part of the fun of going somewhere. People dressed up for flights, enjoyed nice meals, and had plenty of space.

Today, air travel is more like a hassle. Long security lines, tight seating, and rushing around have made flying stressful. Instead of enjoying the journey, many people feel like they need a vacation just to recover from their flight.

Despite these challenges, you can still make air travel more bearable. With some planning and smart tips, you can make your flight more comfortable.

Whether traveling with toddlers, or by yourself, here are some tips to make air travel more bearable, if not enjoyable.

Pre-flight preparations

What you do in the days and weeks leading up to the day of travel will have a big impact on how your trip goes.

For example, booking your flight with a strategy in mind is helpful, which can be done by picking flight times that fit your schedule, and help you avoid stress, such as early morning flights, which often have fewer delays.

You can also choose airlines that are known for comfort, and the seat you pick is important too. Aisle seats let you move around easily and stretch your legs, while window seats provide a view and something to lean against. If you need more legroom, look for seats in the exit row.

For extra peace of mind, think about getting cancel for any reason travel insurance. This insurance lets you cancel your trip for almost any reason and get your money back, which can reduce the stress of unexpected changes.

Another pre-flight preparation that you can make is to pack a carry-on bag with things that will keep you comfortable. Also ensure you bring a neck pillow, blanket, and eye mask to help you relax and sleep, and some snacks and a refillable water bottle to stay fed and hydrated.

Don’t forget personal entertainment like books, music, or a tablet to keep you busy, and if travelling with kids an kid’s travel activity pack will make the flight more enjoyable for the whole family.

Have an airport plan

The airport experience is what puts most people off of traveling. How you approach the experience will help you get through it easier with fewer disruptions to your plan.

Arriving at the airport early is one strategy that helps you avoid stress, as it allows plenty of time to check in, go through security, and deal with any unexpected delays.

This can make the start of your trip much smoother. If you arrive early, you might also be able to use airport lounges. These lounges offer comfortable seating, snacks, and a quiet place to relax before your flight.

Many airlines allow you to check in online twenty four hours before your flight. This can save you time, and reduce stress at the airport. You can usually select your seat and get your boarding pass sent to your phone.

Camel coloured bag, sun hat, scarf, cream suitcase on a grey sofa - tips to make air travel more bearable includes how to pack.

Make your flight more comfortable

After a smooth experience at the airport, you still have some work to do to make sure the rest of your trip continues to go that way. Having some strategies for making your flight more comfortable is essential.

The first place to start making some adjustments is in your seat. Adjust your seat to get as comfortable as possible. Recline it a bit to ease back pressure, and use a neck pillow for support.

Take advantage of any amenities like blankets and pillows the airline offers. If you can, choose seats with more legroom, like those in the exit row.

Flights can be loud and chaotic, which will impact your ability to relax and maybe even sleep. Block out noise with noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs. This can help you relax and sleep better.

Wear an eye mask to block out light from the cabin or the sun, which can help you sleep.

Staying hydrated will allow your body to relax. Drink water often during your flight to stay hydrated since the air in the cabin is very dry. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can dehydrate you.

Have a plan for after the flight

What happens when you land can also be stressful, so you should have a plan for it.

Baggage claim is a moment that increases the anxiety of many travelers. Get through baggage claim quickly by standing close to the carousel where your bags will come out, and watching the screens for updates. Keep your baggage claim ticket handy in case of any problems.

Jet lag is also a serious problem for most that takes a lot of the joy out of discovering a new destination.

To beat jet lag, try to match the local time as soon as possible. Spend time outside in natural light to help reset your body clock. If you need to nap, keep it short to avoid messing up your nighttime sleep.

Cream suitcase with sun hat on top - tips to make air travel more bearable includes how to pack.

Tips to make air travel more bearable – a recap

Air travel can be more enjoyable with a little bit planning, and by implementing the following air travel tips:

  • Prepare for your flight before you take it by picking flights that fit your schedule, choosing seats that are comfortable, and choosing travel insurance that allows you to cancel your flight for any reason.
  • Have a plan for the airport, which can include thinking about things such as getting there early, checking in online, and having your boarding pass on your phone.
  • Make your flight as comfortable as possible, by doing things such as adjusting your seat, using blankets and neck pillows, and packing snacks.
  • Have a plan for when you land, which includes getting through baggage claim as fast as possible, and doing things to beat any jet lag you may experience.

I hope there’s some tips to make air travel more bearable here that will help make your next flight an enjoyable and stress free one.

What essential flight items do you take with you when you fly?

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