
How to overcome the challenges of working remotely while travelling

Last Updated on October 4, 2024

Laptop, coffee cup, an notepad on a bed - working from hotels is one of the challenges of working remotely.

[AD] Remote work has become a popular option for many professionals, offering the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world. But when you combine work with travel, things can become tricky.

The idea of typing away on your laptop while enjoying a beachfront view sounds ideal, but the reality is often far more challenging. From unreliable Wi-Fi, to juggling time zones, working remotely can quickly turn into a logistical nightmare.

Whether you’re a seasoned digital nomad, or just starting out, understanding the common hurdles you might face when working remotely, and some ways to overcome them, can make all the difference between success and frustration.

Here are some of the common challenges you may face while working remotely, and how to overcome them.

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Unreliable internet connection

One of the biggest challenges of working remotely while travelling is unreliable, or slow internet connection.

Whether you’re in a remote area, or a bustling city, internet connectivity can vary significantly, which could be a major hindrance to your work, especially during meetings or deadlines.

Here are some ways you can overcome internet connection issues when working remotely while travelling:

  • Research ahead – before booking any accommodation, ensure that a reliable internet connection is available. Websites like Airbnb often provide this information in their listings.
  • Portable hotspots – consider investing in a portable Wi-Fi device, which provide internet access in areas with limited connectivity.
  • Have a backup plan – keep a list of local cafés or co-working spaces with fast internet as a backup option, just in case your main connection fails.

File management and accessibility

Managing files efficiently is crucial when working remotely, especially while travelling.

You may need to access documents quickly across different devices, but without a reliable system, you could easily lose track of where important files are stored.

Whether you’re working on a client project, handling sensitive data, or simply trying to maintain an organised workflow, keeping everything accessible can be challenging.

Here are some ways you can overcome this challenge:

  • Cloud storage solutions – using cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox, allows you to access your files from anywhere in the world, ensuring nothing gets lost, even if you’re moving between destinations.
  • Consistent file organisation – develop a folder system that’s intuitive. Group files by project, client, or urgency, to streamline your workflow.

If you’re a Mac user, one of the most effective ways to streamline file access, especially when using different apps, or need to work with the Terminal, is to know the exact location of your files.

Having the file path at your fingertips can save you time, whether you’re sharing it with a team member, or coding from a remote location.

If you’re unsure how to find and copy file paths on a Mac, click here for more information. This small trick can be a huge productivity boost when you’re constantly on the go.

Woman sitting on bed with notepad - working from hotels is one of the challenges of working remotely.

Time zone differences

When you’re travelling across continents, keeping track of time zones can be tricky. You may have to attend virtual meetings late at night, or early in the morning, making it difficult to manage your schedule.

Here’s how you can overcome time zone challenges when working remotely:

  • Use time zone conversion tools – apps like World Time Buddy, or Google Calendar, can help you plan your work hours in sync with your team’s time zone.
  • Communicate expectations – make sure your team or clients are aware of your availability and time zone differences. If possible, adjust deadlines or meetings accordingly.

Lack of a proper workspace

Finding a comfortable and productive workspace while travelling is often a challenge.

Working from a hotel room, or noisy café, can affect your concentration and overall work quality.

Some ways that you can overcome this working remotely challenge include:

  • Co-working spaces – many cities have co-working spaces specifically designed for remote workers. These provide all the essentials such as fast Wi-Fi, office chairs, and quiet environments.
  • Portable setup – invest in portable work gear like a laptop stand, noise-canceling headphones, and an external mouse, to make any location feel like a workspace.
  • Create a dedicated space – if possible, designate a specific area in your accommodation as your office. Avoid working from your bed or couch to keep the distinction between relaxation and work.

Staying motivated and avoiding isolation

Travelling can be exhilarating, but it can also be lonely if you’re constantly moving from one place to another.

Remote work can further isolate you, especially if you’re working solo without much human interaction.

Here are some ways to stay motivated and avoid isolation:

  • Join online communities – digital nomad groups, Slack channels, or LinkedIn communities can help you stay connected with like-minded professionals.
  • Attend local meetups – many cities have networking events or co-working groups where you can meet other remote workers.
  • Check-in with your team – regularly touch base with your team through video calls or chats to maintain a sense of connection.
Laptop and notepad on a bed - working from hotels is one of the challenges of working remotely.

Managing work expectations

When you’re on the move, it’s easy to fall behind or become overwhelmed with work, especially if you’re in different time zones, or dealing with connectivity issues, which can lead to missed deadlines and frustration.

Here’s how you can manage work expectations:

  • Set realistic goals – don’t overestimate how much work you can complete while travelling. Prioritise your tasks, and manage expectations with your clients or team.
  • Over communicate – let people know your travel schedule, and keep them informed about your availability. Clear communication helps manage expectations and reduces stress.

Overcoming the challenges of working remotely – a recap

Working remotely while travelling offers the freedom to experience new places without compromising your career.

However, balancing work with adventure requires planning and adaptability. By addressing the key challenges discussed in this post, and staying prepared, you can enjoy the flexibility and rewards of a remote lifestyle.

So, embrace the journey, stay connected, and keep evolving as both a professional and a traveller.

What challenges have you faced when working remotely?

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