
10 things to declutter before Christmas

Last Updated on April 25, 2024

10 things to declutter before Christmas Pinterest

Christmas can be stressful, so adding a Christmas declutter to our already full Christmas to do list is the last thing many of us think about doing.

However, decluttering before Christmas is a great way have a more organised Christmas, make the holiday season easier, and lets us start the New Year on a more calmer note.

If you’d like your Christmas to be more organised, easier, and you’d like a calmer start to the year ahead, then here are 10 things to declutter before Christmas that you’ll be glad you spent time on.

To do list and calendar

Decluttering your to do list and calendar allows you to free up much needed time before Christmas, reducing feelings of overwhelm, and helping to lower your chances of holiday burnout.

You can declutter your to do list by removing things that are no longer important, or that you no longer want, or need to do.

You can declutter your calendar by moving appointments or tasks to a later date, and declining any invitations, events, or appointments that you don’t 100% want to do.

Christmas decorations

Before decorating for Christmas, put all of your Christmas decorations on a table, or on the floor.

Once done, put any decorations that you no longer want, that no longer suit your décor style, or that are too young for your kids in a donation pile, and throw out anything that’s broken.

If you have precious Christmas decorations and toddlers, consider placing these decorations in areas they can’t reach, or perhaps purchase some toddler friendly Christmas decorations so you can use your precious ones when your toddler is older.


We spend a lot of time in our kitchens over Christmas, so having enough counter, cupboard, and fridge space makes Christmas cooking easier and more enjoyable.

You can declutter your kitchen before Christmas by:

  • Putting small appliances out of sight, throwing out any that don’t work, or donating those you no longer use
  • Taking all of your utensils, crockery, pots, pans, and kitchenware out of storage, donating any you no longer use, and making note of what you need to buy or borrow to cater for extra guests or Christmas recipes you’ll be making
  • Organise your fridge and freezer to create space for any premade Christmas meals, which can also include organising leftovers
  • Organise your cupboards to create space for long life Christmas ingredients by throwing out expired food, or donating food that’s within it’s expiry date and you don’t use to a local food bank

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Decluttering toys before Christmas is a top priority for many of us, because Christmas usually results in more toys, and too many toys means a lot of clutter.

It can be hard to declutter toys, especially if our kids are watching, so do this at a time they’re not home, or in bed.

If you’re unsure about what toys to donate, you could try the following:

  • Ask your kids to tell you what they no longer want by explaining to them that to make space for new toys, they need to donate some of the ones they already have
  • Watch your kids when they’re playing with their toys and donate any that they no longer play with

If you’re really unsure what toys to declutter, you can keep the toys you have, but just rotate toys over time, so you don’t have too many in your living spaces at the one time.


As well as toys, kids can also get a lot of new clothes for Christmas, so decluttering kids clothes will make space for new ones.

If you want to declutter your kids clothes before Christmas, you can do so by putting all of your kid’s clothes on their beds, donating any that no longer fit, or that they no longer wear, and throwing out anything that’s damaged beyond repair.

Christmas gift wrapping supplies

Go through your existing Christmas gift wrapping supplies and throw out anything that’s damaged, then make a note of anything you need so you can purchase it before you need it.

Christmas gift wrapping supplies include not only wrapping paper, but also ribbons, gift tags, Christmas cards, sticky tape, and anything else you like to add to your gifts.


Decluttering your entryway not only gives you a sense of calm when you walk into your home, but doing it before Christmas provides a place for your guests to put their belongings.

You can declutter your entryway by clearing away packages, moving coats and shoes to a temporary location, storing away school bags, and even placing baskets on the floor so your guests can place their items into them.

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If you have guests staying over during the holidays, decluttering your linens is a really good idea.

You can do this by throwing out damaged linen including towels, cleaning the linen and towels your guests will be using, and buying new linens and towels if you don’t have enough.


Another thing to declutter before Christmas are toiletries.

You can do this by throwing out anything that’s expired, or that you no longer use, which will give your guests who are staying with you some space in your bathroom for their own toiletries.


Decluttering paperwork like mail, newspapers, magazines, and schoolwork by filing, or recycling them, means you won’t have anything lying around that you don’t want your guests to see.

How do you declutter for Christmas?

10 things to declutter before Christmas Pinterest

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December 4, 2023 9:16 pm

I love these decluttering ideas, I’ve had some clothes on Vinted for a while and they are yet to sell. I’ll try adding some more items, but otherwise might have to go to Charity! x